Who We Are

Making Disciples of Jesus from the Shadow of Currahee Mountain to the Ends of the Earth

Carnes Creek is a family of believers committed to making Christ known from the shadow of Currahee Mountain to the ends of the earth. Sunday mornings are devoted to Bible study, corporate worship, and expository preaching; Sunday nights to discipleship groups for all ages; And Wednesday nights for ReCharging through prayer, fellowship and mutual encouragement. Our heart is to live for God's glory, to follow Christ in obedience, to be Kingdom-minded, and to lead others to do the same.

Tugalo Baptist Association: tugalo.net Georgia Baptist Mission Board: gabaptist.org Southern Baptist Convention: sbc.net International Mission Board: imb.org North American Mission Board: namb.net Toccoa Life Family Resource Center: toccoalife.org Stephens County Christian Learning Center: stephenscountyclc.org The Hope Center of Toccoa: hope4toccoa.org

Links to our Ministry Partners:
